F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn

F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn

  • F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn
  • Sweet com is a very popular vegetable, looks good in the garden and is easy to grow. It is a warm crop and adapted to all climates. 
  • Sweet com grows well on both light and heavy soils provided it is well drained. Prepare the soil well with organic matter and as it sends down deep roots, the bed should be deeply dug. It is best to grow sweet com in a block of short rows rather than one long row. This ensures better pollination. The spacing should be 20-30 cm between plants and 30-40 cm between rows.
  • The variety in this packet is hybrid type. The plants are stronger and fruits are sweeter and longer. 
  • Sweet Coms need good watering especially when they are in flower. Sweet com can be grown in pots too. In 12" pot you can sow 2 seeds and keep in Semi-Shade till germination. Gradually expose to sunlight over a period of one week and then always keep in sunlight.
  • To obtain more & better quality of fruits use Super Vegetable fertilizer once every 15 days and once every 7 days when the buds appear (Instructions on the product pack.)
  • Garden fresh sweet com has amazing flowers. The cobs are ready to be picked in 80 to 85 days. It can be tested for ripeness by pressing a kernel with your fingernail. If they are ripe, it will show a milky colored liquid from inside the kemel. If the liquid is watery, the sweet corn needs more time to ripen. Start this testing when the silks (long silky threads which grow out of the cobs) turn brown and start to shrivel. 
  • You can expect 1 to 2 cobs per plant. Pick the cobs with a downward and twisting action.
Availability:Out of stock
SKU 218
Details & Care
F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn Light
F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn Water
F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn Care
F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn Location
F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn Difficulty
F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn


F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn
F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn
Botanical Name
Common Name(s)

F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn


F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn
F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn
Botanical Name
Common Name(s)

Common Worries

F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn


F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn
F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn
Botanical Name
Common Name(s)

Get An Eyeful

F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn
F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn


F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn
F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn
Botanical Name
Common Name(s)

Know before you sow

Sow Method




Days to Harvest

Step by Step Growth Guide

1. Sowing
2. Nurturing