

  • Cowpea
  • Cowpeas is a warm season crop. It can not withstand cold weather.
  • Cowpeas grow on a wide range of soils. The soil should be well drained. Being a leguminous crop it does not require much manure. The seeds can be sown directly, no need of transplanting. The spacing should be 40-60 cms between rows and 15-20 cms between plants. Cowpeas is more tolerant to heavy rainfall than other pulses but suffers from water stagnation hence ensuring that it is avoided.
  • They do not require much water. Light irrigation is advisable. The variety in this packet is the bush type. Staking by means of a wooden stick may be required to keep the plant upright.
  • Cowpeas can be grown in pots too. In a 9-12" pot you can sow 2-3 seeds and keep in semi-shade till germination. Gradually expose to sunlight over a period of one week and then always keep in sunlight.
  • The pods are ready for harvesting after 55-60 days of sowing. They should be picked up when they are tender and half grown. The pods develop very quickly and if not picked up at the right stage, they tend to become puffy. The picking has to be done frequently.
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Availability:In stock
SKU 140
Details & Care
Cowpea Light
Cowpea Water
Cowpea Care
Cowpea Location
Cowpea Difficulty


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Common Worries



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Get An Eyeful



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Botanical Name
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Know before you sow

Sow Method



Full Sunlight




Spring Summer / Monsoon / Mild Winter

Days to Harvest


Step by Step Growth Guide

1. Sowing

Cowpea can be sown by direct method

You can grow in a container with minimum diameter of 12".

Fill the container with POT-O-MIX (Growing Medium)

If you are sowing on raised / seed beds then prepare the seedbed (Refer to growing through seeds guidelines)

Sow the seeds at a depth of 0.8 to 1 cms. Cover lightly. In ground keep spacing of 20cms between Plants and 60cms between rows.

Water gently and provide shade till they germinate.

2. Nurturing

The seeds will germinate in about 6 - 8 days. Gradually expose them to full sunlight over a period of next 10 days. Cowpea thrive best in full sunlight.

Watering should be done daily in summers and alternate days in winter.

The stems of cowpea are not strong enough to bear the weight of fruits hence provide a good stake support (bamboo) to form a trellis for it to grow well.

Fertilisation should begin at the end of 25 -30 days. Choose from ORGANIC or INORGANIC options. Repeat every 12 - 15 days interval.

The crop is ready for harvest in about 55 - 60 days from sowing Just snap them carefully from the stems.