Aralia Golden Plant
Details & Care
Botanical Name
Polyscias fruticosa 'Golden'
Common Name(s)
Spikenard | Ming Aralia
Aralia's aren't heavy feeders, an all purpose well balanced liquid fertiliser like Bahaar™ once a month (or at half-strength twice a month) will keep your plant in good shape.
Repot your Aralia once every 12 months to ensure the roots have ample amounts of space to grow into
Rays of Sunshine
Your Aralia needs full sun to partial shade or high interior lighting to grow effectively.
Viable Locations
In an indoor setting, your Aralia likes very bright, indirect lighting, such as a north window. If kept outdoors, most Aralias do well in full sun to partial shade, with the latter being of most importance in the warmer summer months.
Water Levels
Your plants will arrive in a self-watering pot adept at safeguarding a continually moist potting medium. If the soil appears to be dry, gently lift the black inner container to check the reservoir's water level. If the reservoir is nearly empty, add 150-175 mL of water to the soil from the top.
Botanical Name
Polyscias fruticosa 'Golden'
Common Name(s)
Spikenard | Ming Aralia
Common Worries
Yellow Leaves
Overwatering or nutrient deficiency
Botanical Name
Polyscias fruticosa 'Golden'
Common Name(s)
Spikenard | Ming Aralia
Get An Eyeful
Botanical Name
Polyscias fruticosa 'Golden'
Common Name(s)
Spikenard | Ming Aralia
Know before you sow