

  • Onion
  • Onion thrives better in cool season, long days favour bulb formation. For ripening, dry weather is favourable. Drought conditions are very harmful for plant growth and bulb formation.
  • Onion prefers to grow well and form a good size of bulbs in a soil rich in organic matter, well drained, and friable with ability to retain soil moisture. The seedlings require transplantation. Once the seeds are sown and are about 10 to 15 cm in height they should be transplanted into the field at a distance of 15 cm between plants and 30 cm between rows. Just after transplanting of seedlings, light irrigation is essential.
  • Irrigation should be withheld 15 to 20 days before commencement of maturity, otherwise it will delay the maturity and reduce the quality of bulbs, Onions are not recommended to be grown in pots.
  • The onions are harvested in about 90-95 days of sowing. When bulbs become fully mature, the maturity is indicated by drooping of the tops just above the bulb known as neckfall. The harvesting is done by pulling the bulbs.
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Availability:In stock
SKU 134
Details & Care
Onion Light
Onion Water
Onion Care
Onion Location
Onion Difficulty


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Common Worries



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Get An Eyeful



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Botanical Name
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Know before you sow

Sow Method



Full Sunlight


Alternate Days


Mild Winter / Winter

Days to Harvest


Step by Step Growth Guide

1. Sowing

Red onion can be sown throughtout the year but are mostly grown in winter.

They are sown through transplanting method. Seeds sown and seedlings transplanted.

For hobby growers, you can sow directly or transplant the seedlings into a container / pot with a minimum diameter of 12-14". A rectangular pot is preferred.

Alternatively you can choose from variety of seedling trays to sow the seeds.

Fill the trays / pots with POT-O-Mix (Growing Medium)

Sow 2seeds per cavity at a depth of 0.4 cms. Cover lightly.

Water gently and keep in shade till germination.

The spacing in pots should be 20 cms apart and if on raised / seed beds then keep 20 cms between plants and 30 cms between rows.

2. Nurturing

The seeds will germinate in 4 - 6 days. Gradually expose them to full sunlight in next 10 - 15 days.

Retain the healthy seedling and discard the weaker one.

Seedling are ready for transplanting by 25 - 30 days. You can transplant them on raised / seed beds or in a pot.

A day prior to transplanting feed PLANT STARTER (shock absorber, root enhancer). Once transplanted then feed for 2 more days.

Regular fertilisation can begin 15 days after transplanting and continue at intervals of 15 days. You can choose from ORGANIC or INORGANIC options.

Ensure that plants get full winter sunlight and watering every alternate days at the base. Reduce watering 10-12 days before harvesting. The leaves will turn yellow and fall over.

The Onion bulbs are ready for harvest in 90 days.

Dig around the bulb and carefully pull out the bulbs. Once removed, clean and dry before storing.