Knol Khol

Knol Khol

  • Knol Khol
  • Knol Khol is a cool season crop. The edible portion is the swollen stem which develops entirely above the ground.
  • Knol Khol requires soil rich in organic matter. The seeds can be sown directly or if required you can transplant them too. The seeds are sown at a distance of 15 cm between plants and 30 cm between rows. Proper soil moisture should be maintained for better germination of seeds.
  • Knol Khol are best grown in ground only. They are not advised to be grown in pots. Knol Khol should be harvested when the knobs are tender and still in the developing stage. Many times, sizes of the knobs is not a good criterion for harvesting. The best is to have judgement for harvesting on the basis of tenderness of the knobs. They should be harvested before they become tough, woody and stringy.
  • The harvesting is done by pulling out the whole plant. Thereafter the root portion along with some portion of the stem near the swelling  cut.
  • Knol Khols are ready for harvest in about  45-50 days of sowing.
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Availability:In stock
SKU 131
Details & Care
Knol Khol Light
Knol Khol Water
Knol Khol Care
Knol Khol Location
Knol Khol Difficulty
Knol Khol


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Knol Khol
Botanical Name
Common Name(s)

Knol Khol


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Knol Khol
Botanical Name
Common Name(s)

Common Worries

Knol Khol


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Knol Khol
Botanical Name
Common Name(s)

Get An Eyeful

Knol Khol
Knol Khol


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Knol Khol
Botanical Name
Common Name(s)

Know before you sow

Sow Method



Full Sunlight




Mild Winter / Winter

Days to Harvest


Step by Step Growth Guide

1. Sowing

Knol khol can be sown directly in containers or raised / seed beds.

Take a rectangular container with minimum depth of 12". Fill it with POT-O-MIX (growing medium).

Prepare the seedbed if you with to grow in ground (Refer to growing through seeds guidelines)

Seeds should be sown at a depth of 0.5 cms. Cover lightly.

In containers sow at distance of 20 cms and in ground then keep 15 - 20 cms between plants and 30 cms between rows.

Water lightly. Keep in shade till they germinate.

2. Nurturing

The seeds will germinate in 6 - 8 days. Gradually expose to full sunlight in next 7 - 10 days.

It being a winter crop, water every alternate days.

Fertilisation should being after 20 - 25 days at intervals of 10 days. Knol Khol are heavy feeders. Choose from ORGANIC or INORGANIC options.

Protect the plant from weeds. Regular weeding should be done.

Harvest t5he knobs by cutting just below the stems by a sharp knife or a sickle.