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Botanical Name
Common Name(s)
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Botanical Name
Common Name(s)
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Botanical Name
Common Name(s)
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Botanical Name
Common Name(s)
Know before you sow
Full Sunlight
Alternate Days
Spring Summer / Monsoon / Mild Winter
Step by Step Growth Guide
1. Sowing
French Beans can be sown direct in containers / pots or on raised / seed beds.
Take a pot / container of 12" 14" diameter. Fill it up with POT-O-MIX (growing Medium)
If wish to sow in ground then prepare the seedbed (Refer to Growing through seeds guidelines)
Sow the seeds at a depth of 0.8 to 1 cm. Sow 2 seeds per hole
On raised / seed beds, sow seeds at a distance of 30 cms between plants and 60 cms between rows.
Water lightly.
2. Nurturing
The seeds will germinate in about 6 - 8 days. Gradually expose them to sunlight over a period of next 10- 12 days.
After 15 days keep one healthy seedling per hole and discard the weaker one
Water everyday in summer and alternate days in winter.
Fertilisation should begin after 25 - 30 days at intervals of 15 days. Choose from ORGANIC or INORGANIC options.
Harvesting can begin from 60 - 65 days onwards from sowing. It can continue for next 3 - 4 months.