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Botanical Name
Common Name(s)
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Botanical Name
Common Name(s)
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Botanical Name
Common Name(s)
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Botanical Name
Common Name(s)
Know before you sow
Full Sunlight
Spring Summer / Monsoon / Mild Winter
Step by Step Growth Guide
1. Sowing
Cucumbers can be grown by direct method.
You can take a container / pot with minimum diameter of 12". Fill it with POT-O-MIX.
If on seed / raised beds then prepare the seedbed (Refer to growing through seeds guidelines)
In the pot sow 2 - 3 seeds at the centre at a depth of 0.6 cms. Cover lightly.
On raised / seed beds sow the seeds at a distance of 60 cms between plants and 90 cms between rows.
Water lightly and provide shade.
2. Nurturing
The seeds will germinate in about 6 - 8 days. Gradually expose at sunlight,
As the vine grows, you can allow it to grow along the soil floor or place poles 1.5 meters tall and 2 meters apart. Train the vines to grow on them. Give wire or twine supports in rows across the poles and you can also make a roof like pattern with twine on top to allow the vines to spread and fruits to hang.
If in pots then once the seedlings are big enough then provide support. Insert 3 to 4 wooden sticks to make a square or conical shape trellis in the pot and train the vine to grow on it.
Water everyday and reduce once flowering begins.
Fertilisation should begin at the end of 30 days and continue at intervals of 15 days. Choose from ORGANIC or INORGANIC options.
The cucumber are ready for harvest in about 60 days of sowing and can continue for 3 - 4 months more.