Chowlai Bhaji

Chowlai Bhaji

  • Chowlai Bhaji
  • Amaranthus is commonly called can as Chhoti Chawli (Cholai Bhaji).Chhoti Chawli can be grown successfully in almost all climatic conditions except severe cold.
  • It grows on a wide range of soils but does best in light well drained soil rich in organic matter. The seeds can be sown directly, no need to transplant. Sow the seeds at a distance of 15 cm between plants and 30 cm between rows. It is better to irrigate the soil prior to sowing the seeds.
  • Chhoti Chawli can be grown in pots too. Sow 5-10 seeds in an average of 9 to 12" pot and keep in semi-shade till germination. Gradually expose to the sun over a prior of one week and then always keep in sunlight.
  • Chhoti Chawali plants are ready for harvest within 25-30 days of sowing. The leaves are cut periodically and the young plants are pulled out with the roots.
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Availability:In stock
SKU 139
Details & Care
Chowlai Bhaji Light
Chowlai Bhaji Water
Chowlai Bhaji Care
Chowlai Bhaji Location
Chowlai Bhaji Difficulty
Chowlai Bhaji


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Chowlai Bhaji
Botanical Name
Common Name(s)

Chowlai Bhaji


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Chowlai Bhaji
Botanical Name
Common Name(s)

Common Worries

Chowlai Bhaji


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Chowlai Bhaji
Botanical Name
Common Name(s)

Get An Eyeful

Chowlai Bhaji
Chowlai Bhaji


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Chowlai Bhaji
Botanical Name
Common Name(s)

Know before you sow

Sow Method



Full Sunlight




Spring Summer / Monsoon / Mild Winter

Days to Harvest


Step by Step Growth Guide

1. Sowing

Chowlai bhaji can be sown by direct method.

You can grow in shallow round or rectangular container with minimum depth of 6 - 8".

Fill the container with POT-O-MIX (Growing Medium)

Sow the seeds at a depth of 0.4 cms. The seeds are tiny. Cover slightly and water gently.

The spacing should be 15 cms apart in containers. If in ground then 15 cms between pants and 30 cms between rows.

If you want to grow on raised / seed beds then prepare the seedbed (refer to Growing through seeds guidelines)

Keep in shade till the seeds germinate.

2. Nurturing

The seeds begin to germinate in 4 -6 days. Gradually expose then to full sunlight in next 7 - 8 days.

One or Two fertilisation cycle is enough throughout the growing period. Choose from ORGANIC OR INORGANIC options.

The crop is ready for harvest in 30 - 35 days. Harvest by cutting with a good seacture. Leave the based stem for the next harvest.

You can harvest 4 - 5 times at interval of 15 -16 days.