

  • Cabbage
  • It is a cool season crop. It can withstand much cold and even frost. It thrives well on almost all kinds of soil provided it is well drained and contains sufficient organic matter.
  • The variety in this packet is an early variety. The seedlings can be grown directly too but it is advisable to transplant the same to ensure better potential and survival. Once the seeds are sown and the seedlings are 3-4 weeks old then they should be transplanted at a distance cms between plants and 30 cms between rows. Prior to transplanting, watering is withheld for about 4-6 days. Transplanting of seedlings should be done in late afternoon or evening for better establishment. Cabbage is not recommended to be grown in pots. They grow much better in the ground.
  • When the head is forming and enlarging, the optimum soil moisture should be maintained by frequent and light irrigations. The common problem that occurs in cabbage is splitting or head bursting and the head goes into seedling. This is called blotting. The reasons are:
  1. Seedlings are raised early in the season i.e. There is a possibility of hot weather.
  2. Extreme changes in temperature, few warm days during cold periods and
  3. Poor growth initially of seedlings itself.
  • Cabbage heads are ready for harvesting within 60-70 days of sowing. They are harvested when firm and developed to an average size. The outer tough and usually unfolded leaves are removed. The harvesting is done either by uprooting the whole plant along with the root system or cutting the heads leaving stumps in the field.
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Availability:In stock
SKU 127
Details & Care
Cabbage Light
Cabbage Water
Cabbage Care
Cabbage Location
Cabbage Difficulty


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Botanical Name
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Common Worries



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Get An Eyeful



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Botanical Name
Common Name(s)

Know before you sow

Sow Method

Direct / Transplant


Full Sunlight


Alternate Days


Mild Winter / Winter

Days to Harvest


Step by Step Growth Guide

1. Sowing

Cabbage can be grown by direct or transplanting method.

For hobby growing, you can grow direct into a bowl kind of container / pot with a depth of 8" atleast and diameter bigger.

You can choose from variety of seedling trays to prepare the seedlings

Fill the tray / pots with POT-O-MIX (Growing Medium)

Sow 2 - 3 seeds per cavity at 0.4 cms depth. Cover lightly and ensure that seeds are not sown deep.

Water gently.

Keep the tray / pot in shade till they germinate

2. Nurturing

Cabbage seeds will germinate in about 6 - 8 days. Once germinated, gradually expose them to full sunlight over a period of next 10 - 15 days.

The seedlings would be ready for transplanting by the end of 4th week. You can transplant into seed beds or into pots if doing at home / terrace / balcony.

A day prior to transplanting, feed PLANT STARTER (shock absorber, roots enhancer). Once transplanted then feed for 2 more days.

On raised / seed beds, the spacing between plants should be 2 X 2 ft apart

Watering should be done when soil turns dry. In winter alternate days will do. Water at the base of the plant and not over the heads (leaves).

Regular fertilisation should be done after 10 days of transplanting at every 15 days interval. You can choose from ORGANIC or INORGANIC options.

The cabbage heads will be ready for harvest in about 40 - 45 days from transplanting. In total 70 - 80 days from sowing.

The cabbage is ready for harvest when the head is firm throughout. Cut the cabbage head at its base with a sharp knife and pull it out.