One will find a plethora of options to nurture their plants. Plant specialists from plant nurseries in Mumbai suggest the following top six recommendations for growing healthy and nourished plants.


Plant-care tips for every gardener


  1. Select plants depending on the light availability at your place

The first rule of the (green) thumb is to establish how much natural light is available at your place and then pick a plant that will thrive in that environment. Check out the directions the windows are facing.

  • For the most part, south-facing windows provide abundant light, while east and west-facing windows provide moderate light.
  • North-facing windows offer little light.

It is essential to evaluate things outside the window that might hinder sunlight, like a building or a tall tree.

If the sun is shining directly into your home via your windows, you may want to consider adding a sheer curtain to disperse the intense light. Cacti and other succulents like aloe vera can withstand more intense, direct sunshine than most plants. One should prevent exposing plants to excessive or insufficient light, so keep a watch on them if they are in very bright or low light. 

It is beneficial to seek expert suggestions from the plant experts at Ratanshi's Agro, a reputed plant nursery in Mumbai. These plant experts will help you select the best plants for your surroundings.

  1. Select plants that are compatible with your timetable

Are you a first-time plant parent? Unintentional plant neglect is possible by a hectic job schedule, an active social life, or just plain forgetfulness. It is all right! Some plants can withstand such a lifestyle.

A jet-setter will appreciate the hardiness of drought-tolerant and low-maintenance succulents, such as snake plants or ZZ plants, which are all low-maintenance as far as they get sufficient light (low and bright light, respectively). When you return from your next vacation, you should find that they have maintained their appearance. 

These factors also apply when buying the right plants. To help sustain your hobby in your busy schedule, one can also buy plants online in Mumbai via websites like Ratanshi'sAgro.


  1. When watering, use caution!

It is preferable to underwater your plants than it is to overwater them. Root rot may occur as a result of an excessive amount of water.

  • Remove your plant from your watering routine and just water it when it is really in need. 
  • Ensure the soil or potting mix is dry for at least 2 inches below the surface of the container or animal-shaped planter before planting anything else in it.
  • If the soil is black, feels wet, and adheres to your finger when you poke it, your plant has enough water to go on as usual for the time being.
  • If your planter does not have a drainage hole, you may alternatively lay a saucer below it.
  • After you've watered your plant, let it soak up the excess water that has accumulated in the saucer for a few hours before removing it.


  1. Understand when you should forego fertilizer

When applying rose fertilizer to your rose plants or any other plants, use caution. An excessive amount of fertilizer might be detrimental rather than beneficial. Houseplants do not need fertilizer regularly, as opposed to outside plants. 

To get the best results from fertilizing your plant, do it throughout the growing season (first spring to early autumn) and remember that 'less is more when it comes to fertilizing. The majority of store-bought fertilizers need dilution with water before being applied to the soil. One can opt for organic fertilizers online in Mumbai.


  1. Make your purchases from a reputable supplier or plant nursery in Mumbai

One must buy plants from a trustworthy source like Ratanshi'sAgro. Purchasing from a supplier that has plant specialists on-site implies that they will be able to answer any queries you may have. Many individuals who deal with or sell plants like talking about them. For instance, if you are looking for a zinnia plant, the expert will explain to you about zinnia growth stages.

For new plant parents, dodge huge department shops and supermarkets where plants are often housed in basements or gloomy warehouses, as this will make your job more difficult. Examine your plant for symptoms of the disease like powdery mildew, yellow leaves, weird patches, weak stems, and brown tips since these indicate a sick plant. It is essential to visit different plant nurseries in Mumbai and make the right selection.




With these above plant care tips, one can keep their plants healthy for a long time. To sum it up, always look for more information about your plant. If you are still unsure, contact experts at any plant nursery in Mumbai and make the right choice of plants, fertilizers, equipment, and more.