Bitter Gourd

Bitter Gourd

  • Bitter Gourd
  • Ridge Gourd requires a warm season. Humid climate is most favored. Low temperatures affect its growth adversely.
  • Loamy soil rich in organic matter is best suitable. The seedlings can be grown directly. No need for transplanting. The spacing should be 50-60 cm between plants as well as rows.
  • It being a creeper can be grown along the ground or the vines can be trained on artificially erected pandals. The fruits grow longer and better when handled instead along the ground.
  • It can be grown in pots too. You can grow it in a 0 pot. Along the boundary of the pot you can make a half round erect structure with wooden sticks on which the vines can grow. Sow the seeds directly into the pot and keep it in shade till germination. Gradually exposed to sun over a period of one week and the ton always keeps in sunlight.
  • The fruits are harvested after approx 45-50 days sowing. It should be harvested when tender.
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Availability:In stock
SKU 110
Details & Care
Bitter Gourd Light
Bitter Gourd Water
Bitter Gourd Care
Bitter Gourd Location
Bitter Gourd Difficulty
Bitter Gourd


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Bitter Gourd
Botanical Name
Common Name(s)

Bitter Gourd


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Bitter Gourd
Botanical Name
Common Name(s)

Common Worries

Bitter Gourd


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Bitter Gourd
Botanical Name
Common Name(s)

Get An Eyeful

Bitter Gourd
Bitter Gourd


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Bitter Gourd
Botanical Name
Common Name(s)

Know before you sow

Sow Method



Full Sunlight




Spring Summer / Monsoon / Mild Winter

Days to Harvest


Step by Step Growth Guide

1. Sowing

Bitter Gourds can be sown direct. No need of transplanting.

Take a pot with minimum of 12" diameter. Fill it up with POT-O-MIX. It is the ideal growing medium.

If you want to grow in ground / seed beds then prepare the seedbed (Refer to growing through seeds guidelines).

Sow 2 - 3 seeds (0.6 cm deep) at the centre of the pot and cover lightly with growing medium.

If growing on seeds beds then sow 2 seeds per hole at distance of 2X2 ft

Water lightly.

As the plant grows, you can either allow the vine to grow along the soil floor or place poles 2 meters tall and give wire or twine supports in rows across the poles. The poles can be placed 2 mts apart. The twines can be tied on top of the poles too forming a roof like pattern to allow the vines to spread and fruits to hang. Poles can be of bamboo, plastic or metal.

If in pots then once the seedlings are 3 - 4" long then provide support. Insert 3 or 4 wooden sticks to make a conical or square shape trellis support in the pot and train the vine to grow on it. Use twine if needed.

2. Nurturing

The seeds will begin to germinate in about 6 - 8 days. Keep in shade and gradually expose to sunlight over a period of 8 - 10 days.

Retain the healthy ones and discard the rest.

Bitter Gourds require full sunlight so keep your pots / container accordingly.

Water everyday in summers. Do not overwater.

The vines will start flowering at the end of 5 - 6 weeks and fruit in 70 - 75 days from sowing.

After 25 days start regular fertilisation. You can choose from ORGANIC OR INORGANIC options.

Pick the fruits every 2 - 3 days when still tender. Regular picking is important as fruits become more bitter as they mature and it can also hamper the growth of new fruits.

Harvesting season can continue for next 3 months.